Energy Consumption Calculator
Conversion a lighting system from conventional light sources to LEDs results in significant savings in energy consumption, energy costs and CO2 emissions. These can be determined using the following calculator for the respective operating time of the lighting system.
Luminaire old - Power consumption
[ Watt ]
Luminaire old - Number of pieces
Luminaire new - Power consumption
[ Watt ]
Luminaire new - Number of pieces
Usage time in hours per day
[ hours ]
Number of days per year
[ days ]
Energy costs
[ € per kWh ]
Operating hours per year:
Luminaire old - Energy consumption per year:
Luminaire old - Energy costs per year:
Luminaire old - CO2 emissions (electricity mix) per year:
Luminaire new - Energy consumption per year:
Luminaire new - Energy costs per year:
Luminaire new - CO2 emissions (electricity mix) per year:
Saving energy consumption per year:
Saving energy costs per year:
Saving CO2 emissions per year:
Number of trees to be able to compensate for the saved CO2 emissions